Saturday, February 19, 2022

TD03 Online Security Risks

    I learned many things from 1.4.2 Computer Security Risks, specifically the section on data destruction. I need to keep this in mind when I get rid of my desktop that I should remove any sensitive information from my computer. Another thing I learned was the dangers of spam. I often get a lot of spam, and it made me realize that I could install anti-malware software to get rid of spam. The last thing I learned was about what anti-malware software I use for my computer. I use MacAfee Defender for my desktop, but the information I learned made me reconsider the anti-malware software. This section of Labsim made me reevaluate how secure my computer is and what I need to improve it.   


  1. Glad LabSim educated you to the point of re-evaluating how secure your computer is and what you need to improve :-)

    There are professional software for wiping data. Simply deleting files and folders is not wiping data as professional software designed to recover data can recover deleted data.

  2. One thing I do to keep my computer and information safe is, I store all my important files on the cloud and wipe my PC at least once a year.

  3. I should clean my PC more often and thoroughly clean it up. I used to not think an anti virus system was important, but now I am glad my dad always downloaded it regardless.

  4. Those are some valuable lessons, especially about how to protect your computer from spam.

  5. Wiping your PC before selling it or giving it to someone else is really important. Great subject for sure.

  6. Data destruction is definitely important. It's amazing what folks with less than noble intentions can do with old computers nobody thought to wipe before discarding.

  7. I should look more into what anti-malware software is on my laptop. I also need to clean up my computer, I have numerous things that need to be wiped from it.

  8. Data destruction is very important and looked over when getting rid of an old computer.

  9. This section made me think about purchasing the extra security like MacAfree. Do those programs really help your computer? Makes me wonder.

  10. It is good to know about data security. knowledge is the key.

  11. I try not to be too paranoid about online security risks, because I trust in myself being the best form of defense against those kinds of attacks. Its pretty simple: just don't click on any suspicious links or fall for any gimmicks by educating yourself. But at the same time, if someone really wanted to infiltrate my online life, then there's nothing I can do about that.

  12. It's always good to delete sensitive info! I used to save a lot of info on the sticky notes app before.
