Saturday, January 22, 2022

First Impressions of IS 101

     My first impression of IS 101 was that the professor was very helpful in answering my questions. The Webex meeting allowed me to get a head start on my assignments. I made mistakes on the bonus quiz because I needed to pay better attention to detail. I planned to complete all of A1 and A2 before my first class but unfortunately, I was only able to complete A1 before the first class. The professor was very helpful in answering all of my questions during class. I am looking forward to this current semester.


  1. Very glad to hear you found me helpful and you are looking forward to this semester, Mariah :-)

    I'm elated to hear Bonus Quiz 1 is able to show you the need to pay better to details ^_^

    Welcome to IS101-3010, Spring 2022!

  2. You got this! At least now we know what to expect and what we can all work on and to be honest I too was a little late on some of the work, but we learn from our mistakes. Believe in yourself!

  3. I'm in the same boat as you, I tried my best to finish up both A1 and A2, but only managed to finish off A1 in time. This course is going to be tough, but nothing worth it in life is ever easy! We got this! I can't wait to meet you all in person!

  4. Same with the bonus quiz (3rd times a charm)

  5. I believe the whole purpose of Bonus Quiz 1 was to instruct us to better pay attention to the question instead of rushing and searching the blank. I messed up for sure the first time I submitted it and since then I take the time to read more thoroughly questions and assignments.

  6. It really taught me to pay better attention to detail and make sure I don't miss anything. Especially when there's hidden assignments inside assignments, it can get pretty confusing and a lot.

  7. Bonus Quiz 1 had me definitely keep re-reading the questions and making sure I comprehended. It took me a few tries and a couple emails back and forth with the professor but I did it. Bonus Quiz 1 is in the books.

  8. I definety agree that Professor Wu was helpful in answering questions to properly understand everything.

  9. After taking the Bonus Quiz 1 I have been triple checking everything i submit and read from all classes. It really showed me how easy it is to miss small things when you aren't looking for them

  10. I think that the Covid-pandemic has somewhat changed professors' attitudes and approaches to education and leniency around curriculums. It forced professors to be more proactive and to be more wary and approachable regarding students' situations or circumstances. While this might be something to be taken advantage off by some students, I think the pros outweigh the cons in terms of being able to help students who genuinely need it and safeguarding against foul students.

    1. Excellent observations Vincent and yes, the pros outweigh the cons ^_^

  11. Professor Wu has definitely been extremely helpful...those early Webex sessions definitely helped a lot.

  12. Bonus quiz 1 was definitely tedious and some questions were a bit more time consuming than others because I needed to reread the question to actually understand what the question is asking for. It took me 3 tries and some back and forth with the professor to get full points.

  13. A1 was challenging for me as well. It took me several attempts to complete it and I still made a mistake. Could not have completed it on time though without the help of the Professor.

  14. Sounds like you had a plan going in, that's a good way to start even if it didn't work out. A1 along with a few others was very challenging as well. That's why we are in this class, it only gets better.

  15. You must be weeks ahead of us now! It is such a great feeling being ahead of work, and not needing to play the catch up game.

  16. I'm glad we get the opportunity to fix our mistakes and read why it was incorrect! I feel like it helps a lot better than just seeing our overall score without explanation.
