Saturday, March 5, 2022

What I learned from Lab Sim System Software Facts

 I use software every day but I did not have a complete understanding of what software was used for. I learned a lot from system software facts. The first thing I learned was the different types of software. The first type of software I learned about what  utility software that analyzes and optimizes a computer. The one that interested me was backup software that copies data in case it is lost or corrupted. I found this interesting because I often  have issues with my computer so it is important that I backup all of my data.  This section really made me think about how I use software and how I can be more effective with it in the future.


  1. Yes, most of us think of application software -- software intended for humans to use -- but not system software. Software such as Defragmenter in the Windows operating system are designed to service hardware instead of humans. System software like Defragmenter and device drivers are important as they help a hardware device to optimize itself and communicate with other devices.

  2. Backing up data is definitely essential, anymore...the sheer amount of information stored digitally makes it critical that copies exist, should something happen to the original.

  3. Yes I only ever considered application software, but there is much more to software. It was an interesting subject for sure.

  4. I don't backup as often as I should, but maybe I'll make a habit of it this year.

  5. I agree. I should use software to my advantage as well.

  6. I remember the first time I heard the word defragment...or defrag in the short term. I had no idea what that meant at the time, but overtime, I learned what it is. When I started this class, that was when I learned that it is actually a software...system software... and a very useful one.

  7. I agree, this section also made me take a better look at the software I use.

  8. This class has really showed me how much I really don't know when it comes to computers.

  9. I grew up using computers and this class let me know how little I really knew about using computers and their software abilities.

  10. This class give me in depth knowledge of computer systems software, that I wouldn't otherwise have known it pretty cool.

  11. Backups are life savers! Especially if the computer decides to shut off suddenly

  12. Learning about different software and backups really help in figuring out which one is best for you and to help you save data.
