Saturday, March 5, 2022

What I learned from Lab Sim System Software Facts

 I use software every day but I did not have a complete understanding of what software was used for. I learned a lot from system software facts. The first thing I learned was the different types of software. The first type of software I learned about what  utility software that analyzes and optimizes a computer. The one that interested me was backup software that copies data in case it is lost or corrupted. I found this interesting because I often  have issues with my computer so it is important that I backup all of my data.  This section really made me think about how I use software and how I can be more effective with it in the future.

Saturday, February 19, 2022

TD03 Online Security Risks

    I learned many things from 1.4.2 Computer Security Risks, specifically the section on data destruction. I need to keep this in mind when I get rid of my desktop that I should remove any sensitive information from my computer. Another thing I learned was the dangers of spam. I often get a lot of spam, and it made me realize that I could install anti-malware software to get rid of spam. The last thing I learned was about what anti-malware software I use for my computer. I use MacAfee Defender for my desktop, but the information I learned made me reconsider the anti-malware software. This section of Labsim made me reevaluate how secure my computer is and what I need to improve it.   

Saturday, January 22, 2022

First Impressions of IS 101

     My first impression of IS 101 was that the professor was very helpful in answering my questions. The Webex meeting allowed me to get a head start on my assignments. I made mistakes on the bonus quiz because I needed to pay better attention to detail. I planned to complete all of A1 and A2 before my first class but unfortunately, I was only able to complete A1 before the first class. The professor was very helpful in answering all of my questions during class. I am looking forward to this current semester.